  Listen carefully and choose the best answer (a), (b), (c), or (d) from the conversation you hear. It tells   about inviting someone to go somewhere. 1.    What is Ismail complaining about? a. Homework                                                 c. Loads of Homework b. School                                                        d. About Cinema 2.    Does Ismail accept the invitation from Jack is going to the Cinema? a. Yes, he does                                               c. No, he don’t b. No, he doesn’t                                            d. Yes, he do 3.    How many people are going to the Cinema? a. 5                                                                 c. 4 b. 3                                                                 d. 2 4.    Where does Jack invite Ismail to go? a. to the Mall                                                  c. to the School b. to the Cinema                                            d. to the Friend’s house 5.   



A. Expression for Greeting and Responding

Pada umumnya penutur asli bahasa Inggris menyertakan ungkapan sapaan basa-basi pergaulan. Ungkapan sapaan basa-basi pergaulan tersebut ada secara formal dan ada pula ada secara normal. Lihat contoh ungkapan sapaan berikut:

B. Formal Way



Hi/Hello/How are you?

Fine thank you

Just fine

Very well

Good morning

Good afternoon

Good evening

Good morning

Good afternoon

Good evening

Nice to meet you

Nice to meet you

It’s nice to meet you

Nice to meet you too

C. Informal Way

How are you going


How are you doing


How’s life?

O.K fine thanks

How are you getting on?

Fine thanks


Very well, thanks

Not too bad, thanks

Ungkapan dan jawaban sapaan basa-basi tersebut bervariasi. Beberapa ungkapan jawaban yang lazim digunakan oleh penutur asli bahasa Inggris diberikan di bawah ini:

I’m fine, thanks and you?

Fine thanks, and you?

Very well, thanks. How are you?

O.K  thanks

Jawaban di atas bermakna “baik” dan bagaimana dengan anda ?

Sama halnya dengan ungkapan sapaan jumpa, ungkapan salam pisah yang diucapakan oleh penutur asli  bahasa Inggris sewaktu berpamitan juga bervariasi. Ungkapan salam pisah yang umum ialah “Good Bye” yang bermakna selamat tinggal  selamat berpisah kepada orang yang ditinggalkan, dan selamat jalan kepada orang yang meninggalkan pergi. Bila berpisah di malam hari, ungkapan salam pisah yang lazim digunakan adalah “Good Night” yang kadang-kadang diikuti oleh ungkapan “Sweet Dreams” yang berarti semoga anda bermimpi yang baik.

Adapun ungkapan salam pisah yang lazim digunakan oleh sesama teman akrab  ialah :




See you

See you later dan lain-lain sebagainya.

ACTIVITY . Complete the dialogues with suitable expressions. Compare your answers with your patner.

Situation: tony first met Jane two days ago. Now, they are getting each other in front of the Bank Building.

Tony berkenalan dengan Jane dua hari yang lalu. Mereka sekarang bertemu dan saling menyapa di depan Bank.

Tony : ...........................................................

Jane : Good morning Tony.

Tony : ..........................................................

Jane : not too bad, thanks. And you ?

Tony : I’m fine ............................................

Jane : No. I’m  going home now. Bye-bye

Tony : ........................................................

Situation : Meeting a friend on the way.

A: Hello..............(write your friend’s name next to you. Tulis nama anda yang ada disampingmu)

B: Hi...................(write your own name. Tulis namamu sendiri)

A: ...........................................................

B: Oh, Fine

A: I’m Fine

B: Well I’m in a hurry. I must go now.

A: Bye-bye. See you

EXERCISE. In pairs, make a short dialogues based on activity.

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